Did you know that a former police officer has been disputing your advice regarding left-foot braking in automatics?

I thought you would be interested in the views of a listener to LBC, identified as ‘Roy of South Morden’ and his opinion of your advice about driving an automatic using left-foot braking. Roy claims to be an ex-police traffic officer and an instructor of Class One police drivers. He also claims to have made a contribution to the police driving manual. The show was debating the best way to drive an automatic cars and Roy referred to you as: "some bright spark that advocates braking with your left foot when driving an automatic." He went on to say this was contrary to the police driving manual and a very dangerous way to control a car. Roy then asserted he would have booked you when he was in the police if he had evidence you were driving in this way because, in his opinion, you would not be in full control of the car.

Roy gets very heated and quite pompous when he rings up. I can imagine he would be every driver's nightmare of a traffic officer. He went on to say that most motoring correspondents were useless and knew nothing. I thought you would be most amused because the old boy nearly blew a gasket when another caller rang up and supported your method of driving an automatic. Roy stated you were a one of the swim of South London car dealers that he regularly booked for failing to display trade plates in accordance with the law. Is the old boy right about your method of driving an automatic contrary to official police methods? And did he ever book you?

Asked on 2 November 2010 by JA, Surrey.

Answered by Honest John
I think Mr Plod has sent me a few steaming emails about this. Left foot braking may well be contrary to older editions of the police-driving manual but it definitely isn’t banned by Hendon where common sense rather than dogma now prevails. (Yes, I have discussed this with the Inspector in charge of Hendon.) Around 100 lives are lost each year by drivers confusing the accelerator and footbrake of automatics while manoeuvring, so I will continue to try to save lives in the face of lowest common denominator advice from those who seek to impose their own lack of coordination on everyone else. You have two feet. An automatic car has two pedals. What could be more logical than using one foot for each pedal? What could be more illogical than making one foot redundant and using the other to control two pedals? However, if this is illogical to you, don’t do it except while manoeuvring in tight spaces where it is the one and only way to remain in full control of an automatic car. And no, I’ve never ever been booked for a Trade Licence offence. It’s a very long time since I’ve been booked or sent a NIP for anything.
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