Do speeding penalties lose public trust in the police?

I recently copped a speeding ticket for exceeding the 70mph limit through the New Forest by what I can only assume was an unmarked vehicle. After two weeks fuming I cooled down and started to rationalise. I don’t think that these public sector jobsworths are aware of the long-term dangers of using such underhand tactics in order to raise revenue. They can say that their only interest is safety and the raising of revenue is incidental, but whatever the reality the perception is that these are purely revenue raising activities and in the modern world perception is reality; truth doesn’t come into it.

What concerns me is the long-term damage caused by these agents of the state. It is a racing certainty that in future people will be less inclined to help the police with the inevitable consequence that some very serious offences will remain unpunished through non-cooperation. When that happens and it gets into the tabloid press as it surely will, buckets of ordure will descend from a great height onto the heads of the safety partnerships, the police, and most of all the politicians, who will all be rushing to be the first to claim Pontius Pilate status. We will all be the losers.

Asked on 2 November 2013 by JS, Poole.

Answered by Honest John
You might be right and you were unfortunate to get nicked in Hampshire, which is fairly heavy on speed enforcement and traffic policing. Happily, though the relevant minister bottled out of raising the motorway limit to 80, we now have a much more motor-friendly government than the last bunch and they are vindicated by the lowest in car road death rate ever recorded: down to 635 for the year to end of June 2013.
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