Top 10: Car-related “movers and shakers” from Amazon
If you’re familiar with Amazon (who isn’t?) then you might know about their “movers and shakers” section. Every hour it’s updated with the products that are soaring in popularity, for whatever reason. So we’ve had a look at the popular automotive products over the past few weeks and picked out 10 that keep cropping up again and again.

Travel kits
It’s summer and that means holidays, caravan trips and ferry crossings. And, if you’re driving overseas, that means packing a few essentials, like spare bulbs, high-vis vests, breathalysers… or all of those things in a handy travel kit, which bundles the lot in a convenient zip-up bag.
This is hardly a surprising “mover and shaker” for August and plenty of different examples have cropped up in the list lately – but we’d go for the Ring RCT1, simply because it contains everything you’ll need for most European countries, plus it’s fairly cheap at around £30.